Monday, March 29, 2010

Things I've Learned.

"Be who you are, and say what you feel; for those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind!" ---- Dr. Seuss

Excepting some family, friends and business contacts, one shouldn’t worry much about what other people think. People have their own things to worry about, and you are at best an afterthought.

Sometimes it makes sense to clean up to get dirty.

Dumb people can usually sleep just about anywhere.

The hills in the neighborhood I grew up in really aren’t as steep as they seemed to be back then.

More often than not, music at parties and in bars is too loud.

Golf messes with the players mind in far more ways than the casual observer can imagine.

Despite having the most to learn, most young people don't respect their elders or seek wisdom from them.

Smokers tip better and are more fun.

Almost all TV sports color analysts are horrible.

Time fucking flies.

TV news is an evil waste of time and is essentially the same story over and over again anyway.

When driving in rain following a dry spell, it’s next to impossible to stop quickly on a downhill slope.

There is no excuse for leaving an eagle putt short.

Arrogant people are secretly insecure with their station in life.

You are what you drive.

Most people are nice.

How a woman moves on a dance floor is directly proportional to how good she is in bed.

As far as scenery goes, 17 Mile Drive in Northern CA must be the closest there is to heaven on earth.

Women with beast implants had/have far larger problems to address than their chest measurement.

Good conversation is as stirring as anything.

Meeting a famous person you admire will usually result in disappointment.

Gay men usually have a wonderful sense of humor. Lesbians usually don't.

The bosses are usually the bosses because they worked hard, not because they got lucky

If you pretend like you belong and make firm eye contact, people will believe you are supposed to be there.

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A dog riding in the passenger seat like a human is always funny.

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Being too hot is uncomfortable, but being too cold literally hurts.

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When you feel compelled to tip the dealer in a casino, do so and then get the hell away for a while to reassess. This is also known as getting out while you’re ahead.

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You sure better live with them for a while before you go ahead and get married.

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The best part of the party is where the smokers are.

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There are no shortcuts. "Paying your dues" is a necessity unless you are very lucky.

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When your emotions are high, good or bad, if possible it’s best to take a 24 hour breather before deciding anything.

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Compared to third world countries America doesn't even know poor.

A lot of people feel threatened by other people's talent and success.

Show me cocaine, and I'll show you people who ain't too bright.

Recreational drugs are among life's finest rewards.

There's no better people watching than Venice Beach, California.

Everybody is crazy. The only questions are subject and severity.

You'll never hear the use of the word "I" more often than you do talking to other people in jail.

There is a mysterious force in the universe that applies smudges to eyeglass lenses that will forever go unexplained.

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